Monday 15 January 2018

A Year of Positivity

I cant quite get my head around the fact its 2018!! Having spent most of it fighting off some ghastly bugs I'm managing to keep up my mantra for this year 'A Year of Positivity'. To say 2017 was a tough year is a smidge understatement BUT I'm still here, I'm breathing and I get to go through another year stronger and more mindful. 

One of the biggest things that helped me through last years trials and tribulations was undoubtedly gardening. I spent most of last year actually being outdoors pottering around when I could and looking at ways I could improve the space all my family can enjoy even more. Its still massively a working progress but with an amazing community over on Twitter and Instagram who can give stacks of advice/support this year will be the best yet! 

So what are my plans for the coming months? Well I'm just taking it day by day. Sometimes I think we put so much pressure on setting deadlines that it can take the enjoyment from the things we love to do. I am itching to get some seeds sown up. Last year it took me ages to get into the sowing game and ended up leaving some things too late to catch up on, but now I have my wonderful little greenhouse that will help me along and get some much needed colour injected into the borders. 

I am still awaiting an allotment in the local area ( I am now 4th on one site!) and hopeful that it wont be much longer. I've had some great success at home growing my own veg but I'm not able to sacrifice much of the garden to turn it into a mini pottager quite yet. Most of my success was actually done in containers so if you are thinking of growing your own fruit and veg it is absolutely possible to do so even in small spaces.
YouTube videos will hopefully play a bigger part too this year. Its quite scary when you first start putting yourself out there a bit but because I naturally like to talk A LOT about things I care passionately for. I think its a great way for people to see how good gardening can be for all of us no matter how much of it you do, a little can make a huge difference to both yourself and the environment

And finally house plants are going to continue to be a growing passion (pardon the pun!) As the year ticks along and my endless list of home improvement jobs continue, house plants will be incorporated into the interior design to make it even more homely and welcoming. 

So a year of positivity awaits us all, you just have to make the best of it as you are the only one in complete control of your own happiness. If you aren't happy then change things so that you can be. 

Until Next Time
N x