Sunday, 29 May 2016

Welcome to my gardening journey!!

An Amateur's beginnings 

Hello there it's Nichola here!! A very new beginner to gardening. I've slowly come round to enjoying gardening more as a hobby rather than a chore (think it's came with age,

fast approaching 30 next month!) But I have been taking small steps into reading lots of gardening tips through family & social media ( Lovely like minded Twitter folk & a friendly local Facebook group) 
I've also found its so far given me a purpose & a chance to re focus on the simpler things in life and it also gives me a sense of escapism from everyday worries/stresses. After recently being in a very low time in my life I'm greatful for having a garden that can bring so much enjoyment!! 

This was my appalling back garden 3/4 years ago. We badly let it go but a plan for another child spurred us on to sort it out. I've kept myself some borders to play with that are getting filled up nicely with bulbs,alpines,perennials,annuals & some climbers. I'm also growing up some seeds to plant up some baskets (will post a blog on making them up!)

I look forward to sharing more of my growing love & hopefully one day someone will find this a bit useful :) 

Until next time xx