Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Reconnecting in lock down.

Oh, hello! My goodness me, it’s been a 'little' while since I sat at the laptop to pour out some words about gardening and share some lovely thoughts with you all. So why now?

Well it is no secret that there is a big thing going on right now across the globe where many countries are implementing a lock down to slow and stop the spread of COVID-19. It is a very scary time for everyone and no doubt difficult. So many people are so used to busying around going about their daily routines, suddenly must stop and stay at home be that through having to self-isolate or because workplaces are closing down to keep everyone as safe as possible. Myself, I fall into the latter as well as caring for my two children. 
It has been a challenging few weeks to adjust to a new 'norm'. Keeping up with schoolwork, panicking over food shopping and getting used to not just popping out here and there and not visiting loved ones.

I have had moments of terrible anxiety, panicking about the what ifs? and hearing the awful rise in numbers just added to it. That is difficult to get away from as it's constantly in the news or across social media. I've taken to not having TV on at all during the day and only having the radio on.

Something positive that is coming out of this situation is the power of nature.
We as a family have always loved being out in nature be that walks in the woods or visits to the local seaside and even enjoying the gardens at home, but I have to be honest that has occurred a lot less long before the lock down came into force. Now though I have lots of time to look closer to home and appreciate the small but great things about it.

We have been super excited to watch lots of lovely birds visiting the lilac tree including the new goldfinches who have found the feeders!
Lots of lovely bugs and critters have been found creeping around thanks to some improvised school activities and it has been lovely to see so many plants springing back to life or popping up through the soil.

I’ve been using the greenhouse to escape to a little bit more recently and it’s been very medicinal to just potter. All these carry the same common theme. Have you worked it out? It is to completely slow down or stop and reconnect with nature. Going back to that point made earlier about us all milling around on our hamster wheels that it all becomes too easy to forget to stop and notice what is right in front of us and spend quality time together.

On the days its been warmer we have spent time in our garden to have fun and plan our new veg beds. We miss having the allotment and this time has given us the push to bite the bullet and begin the process of growing veg at home.
Just sitting with cups of tea, rifling through packets of seed and dipping our hands into compost has been very therapeutical not just for me but for the kids too. Not to mention that it's educating them at the same time! We are very fortunate to have a garden and can only imagine how harder it must be for those who don’t have access to green space but if there is a sunny windowsill having a small pot of flowers, herbs or even veg will absolutely lift spirits.

If there is one thing that I would encourage anybody to do it is this. 
To stop and be present and maybe give gardening a go. 

There is a wonderful quote I will leave you all with and in this current situation which I think it is very apt.

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow ~ Audrey Hepburn

Until next time


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